
If abrdn keeps investing in fossil fuels then it's abrdoomed

Imagine pumping billions of pounds into something that was going to destroy your business, your clients and your planet.

Pretty abrdaft, right?

But that’s just what abrdn are abrdoing.

By investing in coal bonds, they’re supporting companies like Glencore that commit fraud, pollute the land and wreck our climate like there’s no tomorrow.

If we don’t act now, we’re all abrdoomed.

The abrdata

Coal, oil and gas assets are abrdone for.

The smart money is behind the clean energy transition.

Fossil fuel companies are a huge financial and legal risk to abrdn.

Don’t let these guys drag you abrdown.

  • Abrdn is the fourth most exposed asset manager to toxic bonds. It has over $990 million invested in bonds in coal, with 56% maturing after 2030; $2.6 billion in bonds in oil and gas, with 54% maturing after 2030 (Global Coal and Global Oil and Gas Exit List)

Stp bllying th plnt

Abrdn is complaining about everyone mocking its dis-emvoweled name.

But they are the real bully.

Abrdn is destroying our future by financing the world’s biggest climate criminals.

What’s to be abrdone?

We commend abrdn for denying debt to Adani.

But Abrdn still has no policy to stop investing in fossil fuels.

It is exposing itself to financial risk, falling behind its competitors, and not acting in its investors and clients best interest.

That’s why we’re calling on abrdn to deny debt to coal, oil and gas companies.

We heard that abrdn is working on something…

What can you abrdo?

Work at abrdn?

The best thing you can do is speak with a colleague or manager and share your concerns about the firm’s bad fossil fuel investment decisions.

Conversations are key.

Click here for some ideas

Don’t work at abrdn?

Help us share this website and call on abrdn to deny debt to coal, oil and gas.